Tag Archives: Haven

Haven – a glimpse of Haven, Maine

Haven Biz Cards

The Booth on the exhibit hall floor at San Diego’s Comic-Con International for the SyFy show Haven was small, but fantastic.  One example is this small little give away, at first glance you might have thought the guys working the booth had their business cards lying out — but wait, they were for Dave and Vince, the brothers who operate the Haven Herald on the show.

And in the display case beneath the boxes of DVDs were props from the show — the letter Duke sent from the past to Audrey letting her know what had happened to him being just one example.

It was a bit startling to have fans, so enthusiastic about the show, yell at you from the far end of the booth, “hey, you, girl getting a Haven poster, did you go to the panel last year??”  I was so jarred by the abrupt yelling I might have said anything to get a bit of space, as I was caught up in the poster, the brother’s business cards, and processing all the cool props I had just read, and realizing how many of them I could place back to the episodes I had seen them in.  Some of the props had been general business cards and driver’s licenses, but others were keyed to very specific episodes, and like Duke’s letter, were iconic and brought back a rush of memories of scenes and plot points.

Four seasons of Haven have aired thus far, with a fifth eagerly anticipated by fans who saw a major turn of events in the fourth season as the status quo was reset and questions that were set forth in the pilot began to be answered.    If you have not yet seen this show, based on the Stephen King story The Colorado Kid, it’s time to tune in and start catching up.  Season five looks like it will be explosive in the best possible ways.